Rhode Island Homestead XL 10+ Chickens Hen House Only.

Safe, secure, and ready to make Happy Chickens, this is the Hen House only! The Rhode Island Homestead Chicken Coop is sure to make you eggstatic and look great in your yard!!


The Rhode Island Homestead Chicken Coop Hen House is quality tongue and groove construction!

Hen house capacity? We say 10 chickens, but you could have more based on a few factors to consider: what breed are you getting, and are you able to let them free range? We recommend taking a look at the measurements and seeing what you feel comfortable with.


Keep in mind the chickens share nesting boxes and stand side by side on the roosting rods!


This Rhode Island Homestead chicken coop was engineered to be solid! Notice the support under the nesting boxes! There are FOUR roosting rods in this hen house. There are two large vents. The back door swings open allowing wide access to the hen house. Sliding plastic poop tray (metal poop trays rust from chicken poop over time), sliding door to close off the hen house etc. We also build and sell run extensions and have families purchasing multiple hen houses and run extensions to accommodate their flock.


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